26-Nov-19: Not every day you get to be on Japanese TV! :) Adam has a small cameo in a segment about work in Prof. Noji's lab while working in the lab (just in case folks think I don't get in the lab any more... :D ) Clip at 03:24.
26-Sep-19: Adam is giving an invited talk on 'p-GaAs nanowire transistors with near-thermal limit gating' at the 3rd Nanowire Week in Pisa, Italy.
29-Jul-19: Materials Today has written an article 'Nanowire advance in two dimensions' about our work on InAs 2D nanofins.
20-Jun-19: Jakob Seidl's paper on on InAs 2D nanofins was published in Nano Letters today. This is a new morphology of nanowire growth giving 'nanoscale Hall bars' that can be turned into more complex devices.
03-Jun-19: Adam has started a 6 month JSPS Long-term Invitational Fellowship working with Prof. Hiroyuki Noji's group at the University of Tokyo in Japan. Aim is to develop nanoscale devices compatible with simultaneous biological microscopy.
08-May-19: Our work with Justin Gooding's group on the development of nanopore sensors where magnetic functionality is added to improve detection capabilities was published in Nature Communications today.
22-Aug-18: Rifat Ullah's paper on p-GaAs nanowire MESFETs was published in Nano Letters today. These devices give near-thermal limit gating performance at room temperature and compete well with the prevailing p-GaSb MOSFET technology.
15-Aug-18: Roman Lyttleton has been awarded his Ph.D. for his thesis titled "Development of solid-state nanodevices for studying proteins". Congrats.
23-Jul-18: Materials Today has written an article 'Ultra-thin parylene used as a gate insulator in nanoscale devices' about our recent work on parylene-insulated nanowire transistors.
20-Jun-18: Jan Gluschke's paper on nanowire transistors with ultrathin parylene insulators was published in Nano Letters today. The deposition method is extendable to other nanoscale device systems and demonstrates several key nanofabrication processes performed for parylene.
05-Feb-18: Rifat Ullah's paper on electrolyte gating of heavily doped III-V nanowires was published in Physical Review Materials today. This is a nice result as it gives steep sub-threshold slope, within 25% of the room temperature thermal limit, and low contact resistance together.
30-Jan-18: Rifat Ullah has been awarded his Ph.D. for his thesis titled "Phase-pure Indium Arsenide and p-type Gallium Arsenide nanowire devices". Congrats.
02-Dec-17: Jan Gluschke has been awarded his Ph.D. for his thesis titled "Ultra-thin parylene rilms as gate insulators in nanoscale field effect transistors". Congrats.
16-Oct-17: Rifat Ullah's paper on the influence of atmosphere on performance of pure-phase WZ and ZB InAs nanowire transistors was published in Nanotechnology today.
04-Jul-17: Adam will be giving invited talks at two upcoming conferences. The first is the IUMRS-ICAM conference in Kyoto, Japan in early September. The second is the Network-based Biocomputation workshop in Dresden, Germany in mid-September
03-Mar-17: Rifat Ullah's paper on Be-doped GaAs nanowires for studying low-dimensional hole systems was published in Nanotechnology today. This is a collaboration with Jesper Nygard's group at the University of Copenhagen and is the first in a series of upcoming papers on Be-doped GaAs nanowires.
14-Feb-17: Adam has given a talk on ion-to-electron transducers for bioelectronics applications at the AMN-8 conference in Queenstown, NZ. It snowed, during the middle of summer!
21-Dec-16: Our paper on hybrid nanowire ion-to-electron transducers for integrated bioelectronic circuitry has been published in Nano Letters. Team effort between Damon Carrad, Bernard Mostert from Paul Meredith's group at UQ and Rifat Ullah bringing together InAs & GaAs nanowires and polymer electrolytes to make a proton-gated inverter circuit.
06-Dec-16: Adam has given two talks on our recent work on combining polymer electrolytes and nanowires at the Australian Institute of Physics National Congress. The first was on using polymer electrolytes to enact external doping in nanowire quantum devices. The second was on ion-to-electron transducers for bioelectronics applications.
30-Nov-16: A paper by Dr Damia Mawad at UNSW's School of Materials Science was published in Science Advances today. Damon Carrad and I helped out with some of their electrical characterisations. Always nice to be involved in team projects; Congrats to Damia on a nice paper in a top-shelf journal.
01-Nov-16: Our group was awarded two ARC Discovery projects in the 2016 round. The first is a collaboration with Dr Philippe Caroff on a project called "Building up quantum electronics with tailored semiconductor nanostructures" and the second is a collaboration with Prof. Paul Meredith on a project called "Bioelectronic logic".
31-Aug-16: Adam gave an invited lecture on the 0.7 anomaly in quantum point contacts at the International School on Spintronics at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan.
28-Aug-16: Adam gave an invited talk on our work on hybrid nanowire ion-to-electron transducers for integrated bioelectronic circuitry at the 2016 SPIE conference on Organic Sensors and Bioelectronics IX in San Diego, U.S.A.
01-Aug-16: We are actively seeking two new Ph.D. students to join our group, one related to our biophysics efforts and one to our work on quantum transport in nanowires and templated nanostructures. Please see our Recruiting page for further details.
16-May-16: Damon has given an invited talk on electrolyte-gated nanowires at the EMN Meeting on Nanowires in Amsterdam.
31-Mar-16: We have just finished a busy week installing our new Attocube Attodry2100 system enabling device measurements at temperatures down to 1.5 Kelvin and with 3D rotation in magnetic fields up to 9 T. Looking forward to getting some great data from this machine.
08-Feb-16: Jan and Rifat have both given talks on their work at the 2016 International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Canberra.
Dec-15: Damon Carrad has been awarded his Ph.D. for his thesis titled "Role of surfaces and dopants in quantum devices and nanowire transistors". Congrats.
30-Nov-15: Adam gave a talk on electrolyte-gated nanowires at the MRS Fall meeting in Boston.
06-Nov-15: Adam gave a seminar on our electrolyte-gated nanowires work at EPFL Lausanne in Switzerland.
27-Apr-15: Nanotechweb.org has written an article 'laid-back approach streamlines gate production' about our recent work on InAs nanowire transistors with multiple, independent wrap-gate segments.
16-Apr-15: Our paper on InAs nanowire transistors with multiple, independent wrap-gate segments has been published in Nano Letters.
24-Feb-15: Adam Micolich gave a talk on studying motor proteins using carbon nanotube and semiconductor nanowire transistors at a HFSP workshop on molecular motors in Japan.
19-Feb-15: Our paper on using light and heat to controllably switch and reset disorder configuration in nanoscale devices was published in Physical Review B.
09-Feb-15: Adam Micolich gave a talk about our work on nanowire transistors with multiple, independent wrap-gate segments at the 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology in Nelson, N.Z.
14-Jan-15: Our paper on using polymer electrolyte gates to set and freeze in threshold voltage and local potential in nanowire-based devices and thermoelectrics was published in Advanced Functional Materials.
17-Dec-14: Adam Micolich and Damon Carrad gave talks about wurtzite and zinc blende InAs nanowire transistors and nanoscale polymer electrolyte gates for nanowire transistors at the COMMAD conference in Perth.
8-Dec-14: Adam Micolich gave an invited talk on materials and methods for making nanowire transistors with multiple, independent wrap-gate segments at the Australian Institute of Physics National Congress in Canberra.
Nov-14: Adam Micolich and Roman Lyttleton are spending the month at Lund University working with Heiner Linke's group on our joint project on nanotube/nanowire transistors and motor proteins.
18-Aug-14: Conor Burke from Natalie Plank's group in Wellington has joined us for a 6 week visit to work on ZnO nanowire transistors with Rifat Ullah.
29-Jun-14: Adam Micolich is spending the week as rotating convenor for the twitter science outreach account @realscientists.
21-May-14: Adam Micolich will be talking about the Physics of Jackson Pollock at Pint of Science
5-May-14: Khalid Muhieddine and Roman Lyttleton's paper on Thermal annealing of triethylsilylethynyl anthradithiophene (TESADT) organic transistors was published in the Journal of Organic Semiconductors.
17-Apr-14: Damon Carrad and Adam Burke's paper on Determining the stability and activation of Si acceptors in AlGaAs using an open hole quantum dot was published in Physical Review B.
17-Feb-14: Our work on nanoscale patterning of polymer electrolytes was subject of a news article in Materials Today.
3-Feb-14: Adam and Damon are at the ICONN conference in Adelaide presenting back-to-back talks on our work on the electrical differences between wurtzite and zincblende InAs nanowire transistors and our new polymer electrolyte-gated nanowire transistors.
13-Dec-13: Damon Carrad's paper on Electron-beam patterning of polymer electrolyte films to make multiple nanoscale gates for nanowire transistors was published in Nano Letters.
27-Nov-13: Adam Micolich gave an invited talk on the 0.7 anomaly in QPCs at the 2013 Gordon Godfrey Workshop on Spins and Strong Electron Correlations
14-Nov-13: Adam Micolich gave an invited talk on wrap-gated nanowire transistors at the Australian National Fabrication Facility (ANFF) Annual Research Showcase at the National Synchrotron in Melbourne.
21-Oct-13: Adam Micolich gave a seminar on disorder in quantum dots and the 0.7 anomaly in QPCs at LMU Munich, Germany.
9-Oct-13: Adam Micolich has given a talk on our recent work on polymer electrolytes and nanowires at the Annual Symposium of the Nanometer Structure Consortium at Lund University.
1-Oct-13: Adam Micolich gave a seminar on disorder in quantum dots and wrap-gated nanowire transistors at ETH Zurich.
23-Sep-13: Damon Carrad has given a talk on his work on electron-beam processible polymer electrolytes and their use in nanowire transistors at the 2013 International Conference on One-dimensional Nanomaterials in Annecy, France.
7-Sep-13: Damon Carrad is off to spend 7 weeks working at Lund University jointly funded by an Australian Nanotechnology Network Overseas Travel Fellowship and a travel grant from the Solander program.
2-Sep-13: Adam Micolich's News and Views article "Quantum Point Contacts: Double or Nothing?", on two recent Nature papers on the 0.7 anomaly in QPCs, was published in Nature Physics. The two Nature papers are: Bauer et al. and Iqbal et al.
14-Aug-13: Damon Carrad's paper on sulfur passivation of Si-doped p-type(311)A AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures was the cover article for Issue 32 of Volume 25 of Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. For the paper, see here
1-Aug-13: Adam Micolich gave a seminar on disorder in quantum dots and wrap-gated nanowire transistors at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand, and experienced his first earthquake in the process.
25-Jul-13: Rifat Ullah's paper on the electronic properties of InAs wurtzite and zincblende nanowire transistors was published in a focus issue on Semiconductor Nanowires in Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters.
14-Feb-13: Adam Micolich gave an invited talk on 1D systems as a tool for studying spin at the MacDiarmid Institute 6th Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Conference in Auckland.
14-Dec-12: Adam Micolich gave an invited talk on dots, QPCs and nanowires at the COMMAD conference in Melbourne today. As an added bonus, Seb Fricke, won a prize for his poster on the accuracy of measuring g-factors in 1D systems.
19-Nov-12: Adam Burke had a commentary on work from McGill University on Au-W metal junctions in The Conversation today.
8-Oct-12: Our work on gate hysteresis in p-type Si-doped AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures was published in Physical Review B today.
28-Sep-12: Adam Micolich gave an invited 8 hour lecture course on the 0.7 anomaly in Quantum Point Contacts at the "Spin-related Phenomena in Mesoscopic Transport" course at the Nordic Institute of Theoretical Physics (NORDITA) in Stockholm, Sweden.
31-Jul-12: Adam Micolich was interviewed for the Q&A section of Jul/Aug 12 edition of Materials Today.
31-Jul-12: Adam Burke and Adam Micolich are presenting talks on the g-factor and 0.7 anomaly in QPCs and wrap-gated nanowires at the 31st International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors in Zürich, Switzerland.
25-Jul-12: Our work on the g-factor and 0.7 anomaly in top-gated quantum point contacts published in Nano Letters.
2-Jul-12: Our work on disorder in quantum dots was subject of a podcast interview by Materials Today with Adam Micolich.
18-Jun-12: Our 16 page invited review article on ballistic transport in semiconductor billiards was published in Fortschritte der Physik
23-May-12: Our paper on the sensitivity of electron-wave interference to disorder in quantum dots was published in Physical Review B.
11-May-12: Our paper on the impact of small-angle scattering in quantum dots was published in Physical Review Letters.
13-Apr-12: Andrew See, a Ph.D. student supervised by myself and Alex Hamilton has had his Ph.D. awarded. Congrats to Andrew.
30-Jan-12: Jason Chen and Daisy Wang's paper on the ambipolar devices in undoped heterostructures was published in Applied Physics Letters. This is work in collaboration with the QED group.
11-Jan-12: Our paper on the first horizontal wrap-gate nanowire transistors is the cover article for the January 2012 issue of Nano Letters.
21-Dec-11: Great news, Our article on tunable plastic thermometers has made Chem. Phys. Chem.'s list of 25 most accessed articles for 2011. For those who haven't seen it yet, the article now has free access for 2012.
4-Dec-11: Adam and Adam have presented three talks and two posters at the International Symposium on Advanced Nanodevices and Nanotechnology (ISANN) in Hawaii.
9-Nov-11: My major review article on the 0.7 anomaly in quantum point contacts was published in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter today. This 73 page article covers the full 15 year history of the topic. Glad to have it finished, it was a mammoth task. Thanks to all who gave permission to reuse figures and provided insight, expertise and encouragement when needed, couldn't have done it without you!
22-Aug-11: Our paper on the ability to track 1D subbands in quantum point contacts using dc conductance measurements was published as a Fast Track Communication in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter today. This is work done with Uli Zülicke at Victoria University of Wellington in NZ, and is an offshoot of an upcoming review on the 0.7 feature that I have written.
29-Jun-11: Our paper on the first observation of Kondo physics in a hole quantum dot was published in Physical Review Letters today. This is work done in association with Oleh Klochan, Alex Hamilton and Andreas Wieck's group at Ruhr Universitat Bochum in Germany.
28-Jun-11: The first of a pair of papers resulting from our collaboration with Richard Taylor's group at the University of Oregon has been posted to the Cond-Mat archive ArXiv:1106.5823. Watch this space for more news on how small-angle scattering is set to shake up our notions of ballistic transport in quantum dots.
28-Mar-11: Our paper in NanoLetters has also made the media, with articles in Materials Today by Laurie Donaldson (28/3/11), PhysOrg by Bob Beale (7/4/11), and ZeitNews.
24-Mar-11: Adam gave a talk about the wrap-gated nanowires work at the American Physical Society March Meeting in Dallas, Texas.
15-Feb-11: Our first paper on nanowires in collaboration with Lund University was published online in NanoLetters today.
14-Feb-11: Our Communication in ChemPhysChem was the subject of more press this week, with articles in Materials Today by Laurie Donaldson (14/2/11), Wired by Mark Brown (24/2/11), The Chemical Engineer (TCE) Today by Helen Tunnicliffe (25/2/11).
14-Dec-10: Our Communication in ChemPhysChem was highlighted in news articles in Chemistry Views and PhysOrg.
13-Dec-10: Adam, Adam and David presented talks and posters on their work at the 2010 COMMAD conference at ANU.
Nov 10: Adam gave an invited talk at the NSW-AIP Postgraduate Awards day on Tips for surviving the first ten years in academia after finishing your Ph.D.
Nov 10: Our first ARC Discovery grant on semiconductor nanowires is funded. Project is titled "Electron transport in semiconductor nanowire devices - Setting two top nanoelectronics problems on the straight and narrow" and received $400k for 2010-2012.
Nov 10: Nanoelectronics group officially launched as an off-shoot of the Quantum Electronic Devices group at UNSW