Images from the 2019
Gordon Godfrey Workshop
The workshop was opened by
UNSW DVC Research Nicholas Fisk
Oleg Sushkov introducing the GG19 workshop
Belita Koiller
Xialoin Wang, Jeff McCallum and Bruce Normand
Oleg Sushkov and Xiaolin Wang
Kirrily Rule, ANSTO
Registration table
Coffee break
Kirrily Rule, Julie Karel and Ben Powell
Jelena Klinovaja
Dimi Culcer
Alex Hamilton talking to attendee Saurav Islam
Reza Asgari, Pankaj Bhalla
Jared Cole talking to Julie Karel
Reza Asgari, Tami Pereg-Barnea, Marco Polini
Elena Ostrovskaya
Ding Zhang
Giordano Scappucci talking
Poster Session Gordon Godfrey Workshop
Attendees listening to talks
Alexander Hamilton and Nicholas Fisk
Hyunsoo Yang talking to Yuli Lyanda-Geller during a coffee break
Jan Seidel talking to Oleg Tretiakov
Elena Ostrovskaya talking to Meera Parish
Attendees in a talk
Allan MacDonald
Elizabeth Marcellina
Theory students Zeb Krix and Zhanning Wang
Sue Coppersmith
Kirrily Rule, Giordano Scappucci and Leonid Golub
Alexander Hamilton and Ding Zhang
Attendees listening
Oleg Sushkov
Sue Coppersmith and Julie Karel talking
Attendee at talks
Meera Parish
Elena Ostrovskaya and Allan MacDonald
Allan MacDonald
Leonid Golub
Aydin Keser
Workshop attendees
Jeffrey McCallum and Dimi Culcer
Sam Bladwell
Alex Hamilton, Reza Asgari
and Hendrick VanRhenen
David Neilson at Gordon Godfrey Workshop 2019
Kirrily Rule
Gordon Godfrey Coffee break
Zeb Krix
Workshop views, Scientia Building
Thank you
We hope to see you in 2021
at the next Gordon Godfrey Workshop