School of Physics


PHYS1121 and PHYS1131


Physics 1A and Higher Physics 1A


Session 1, 2006


This document was made in accordance with the UNSW guidelines on course information and so follows a fixed format. Much more information about this course (lecture notes, past papers, news, resources etc) is available from the course home page at

Most administrative matters are handled by the First Year Office at The Office is located on the lower ground floor of the Old Main Building, near the entrance from the Physics Courtyard (K13 on the university map.)

Course staff

Course information

Teaching formats and assessment


Course schedule

Resources for students

Assumed mathematical knowledge

Assumed physics knowledge

Assumed history/geography knowledge

Conduct and misconduct

Please take time to read the UNSW policy on academic misconduct and student misconduct, including plagiarism, which is at, and which is linked from the course web site. In other words, make sure you know the University's code of conduct. We know that nearly all students are honest and that most of the document is pretty obvious. However, please read it. The excuse "I didn't know it was wrong" is not acceptable.

Please respect the rights of your fellow students by providing an environment in which it is easy to learn.