French vowels

The vowel plane for production

The vocal tract resonances (R2,R1) for seven adult female native speakers of French. The centre of each ellipse gives the mean values ([R2],[R1]). The major axis of the ellipse is parallel to the regression of R1 on R2, and the semi-axes are the standard deviations in those directions. The graph shows the unit of separation d between two vowels a and b defined (Dowd et al, 1997) by

    d = ((R2a - R2b)2 + (R1a - R1b)2)1/2
The relative sizes of the vertical and horizontal axes have been adjusted so that d has the same length in all directions. As is common practice in plotting formants, the direction of the axes is inverted, with the origin at the top right, in order to make the relative positions of the vowels the same as in conventional diagrams of the articulatory plane. The vowel /i/ and the nasalised vowels have been omitted.

. . . . . . . This study. . . . .Pham Thi Ngoc. Review of Garnier-Rizet
vowel . R1 .(s.d.) . R2 .(s.d.) . . R1 . R2 . . F1 (sdm) F2 (sd of means)

pie . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 351 . 2384 . 277 (27) . 2321 (157)
thé . . 550 .(90) . 2150 (210) . . 391 . 2304 . 386 (37) . 2188 (171)
paix. . 680 (150) . 1990 (170) . . 560 . 1924 . 524 (45) . 1917 (117)
patte . 870 .(90) . 1420 (180) . . 697 . 1323 . 756 (76) . 1391 (78)
pâte. . 830 .(70) . 1320 (190) . . 652 . 1198 . 777 (87) . 1234 (110)
pote. . 690 (100) . 1090 (110) . . 566 . 1056 . 571 (55) . 1138 (101)
pot . . 520 .(40) . 0920 (100) . . 419 . 0803 . 450 (62) . 0853 (82)
poux. . 390 .(60) . 0860 (110) . . 364 . 0708 . 279 (21) . 0811 (51)
pu. . . 350 .(70) . 1960 (160) . . 363 . 1946 . 300 (47) . 1863 (91)
peu . . 470 .(50) . 1610 .(90) . . 426 . 1545 . 453 (64) . 1561 (59)
peur. . 600 .(90) . 1580 .(80) . . 576 . 1591 . 526 (66) . 1445 (100)
te . . 510 .(50) . 1670 .(30) . . - .

The perceived vowel plane

Perceptual categorisation of vowels. Twelve native French speakers listened to a large set of pronounced vowel sounds and classed (categorised) them as the vowel they most resembled. The centre of the ellipse for each vowel is at ([R2],[R1]), the mean values for all of the sounds that were identified as most closely resembled. The major axis of the ellipse is parallel to the regression of R1 on R2, and the semi-axes are the standard deviations in that direction and in the perpendicular direction. At lower left, two lines show the unit of separation d defined above.

The fraction of identifications (particular sounds identified as vowels) as a function of the separation d between the particular sound (R2,R1) and the average for the perceived vowel ([R2],[R1]). d is defined by Equation 1. The vertical axis is logarithmic and the error bars are +/- one standard error. The straight line is the best fit to an exponential function (r = 0.98) and the curve is the best fit to a Gaussian function (r = 0.98).


Dowd, A., Smith, J.R. and Wolfe, J. (1998) "Learning to pronounce vowel sounds in a foreign language using acoustic measurements of the vocal tract as feedback in real time". Language and Speech, 41, 1-20.
Epps, J., Smith, J.R. and Wolfe, J. (1997) "A novel instrument to measure acoustic resonances of the vocal tract during speech" Measurement Science and Technology, 8, 1112-1121.
Epps, J., Dowd, A., Smith, J.R. and Wolfe, J. (1997) "Real time measurements of the vocal tract resonances during speech" Eurospeech'97 (conference proceedings, Rhodes), 721-724.
Garnier-Rizet M. (1994). Élaboration d'un module de règles phonético-acoustiques pour un système de synthèse à partir du texte pour le français. Doctoral thesis, Université de Paris III.
Pham Thi Ngoc, Y. (1995). Caractérisation acoustique du conduit vocal: fonctions de transfert acoustiques et sources de bruit. Doctoral thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble.
Wolfe, J. " An introduction to the acoustics of the vocal tract" Web document with sound files
This research by Annette Dowd, John Smith and Joe Wolfe is reported more fully in the first paper listed above.


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